Johnny Desmond, The Crew Chiefs, The Glee Club, Sgt. Whitey Thomas, Sgt. Bobby Nichols, Sgt. Bernie Privin, Jack Steele, Staff Sgt. James R. Priddy
Sgt. Jerry Gray, Master Sergeant Zeke Zarchy, Sgt. Whitey Thomas, Sgt. Bobby Nichols, Sgt. Bernie Privin
Johnny Desmond, The Crew Chiefs, The Glee Club, Sgt. Whitey Thomas, Sgt. Bobby Nichols, Sgt. Bernie Privin, Jack Steele, Staff Sgt. James R. Priddy
Sgt. Jerry Gray, Master Sergeant Zeke Zarchy, Sgt. Whitey Thomas, Sgt. Bobby Nichols, Sgt. Bernie Privin