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Кто на завалинке


Не стало композитора Софии Губайдулиной , "последней из могикан" (24.10.31. - 13.03.25)
Умер Олег Стриженов
Здравствуй, Завалинка... и снова нерадость....
Не стало Джона Сайкса - легендарного гитариста Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, Blue Murder.
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Умер Легендарный американский режиссер Дэвид Линч в возрасте 78 лет..
Максиму Дунаевскому - 80!
Скончался Вадим Мищук.Ему было 68 лет.

Именинники сегодня

SergYUNGA , Sanders , savin_alex , AlexKitty , viktor1603 , LuydaMoroz , Churina , Waler1984 , ROGMUSIC , mark_ivanich , sowhat , AVVan , Neznajka1965 , ValeriaMotina , Meizu , Kmdjdbx , Paul Robeson , Viktori , petrikpetrik , Nota , Grigory

Tape Five - A Cool Cat In Town (feat. Bren0:00/ 0:00
В ЭФИРЕКачество1Аудио
Tape Five - A Cool Cat In Town (feat. BrenTape Five - Bad Boy Good Man [Aerophon MixTape Five - A Bossa LoveTape Five - Avenue Du GareTape Five - Alcazar (instr.)Tape Five - Bunga BookTape Five - Black Cotton BluesTape Five - CancunTape Five - Cocktail D'AmorTape Five - Dixie Biscuit (feat. Henrik WaTape Five - Fabulous Swing KidTape Five - Geraldines Routine [Spin ArounTape Five - Dog Walk ThemeTape Five - Forever YoungTape Five - Femme LibertanTape Five - Hercab (WDR Bigband feat. GianTape Five - I Spy YouTape Five - Geraldines RoutineTape Five - Gipsy VIP (album edit)Tape Five - Grand Central - Slow MotionTape Five - Love ToniteTape Five - Mad Dogs On The SceneTape Five - Longitude 54-21Tape Five - Madame Coquette (feat. YulietTape Five - La PassifleurTape Five - Pink LullabyTape Five - Pantaloons (feat. Yuliet TopazTape Five - Permanent MidnightTape Five - On The RunTape Five - Senorita BonitaTape Five - Swing you Winners (feat. BartTape Five - SoulsaliciousTape Five - Slow SerenadeTape Five - SummertimeTape Five - Swing with BlingTape Five - The Big BangTape Five - Tango For A SpyTape Five - Tequila (Album Edit)Tape Five - Tintarella Di LunaTape Five - Three ButterfliesTape Five - The Smell Of The Sidewalk