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The Marvelettes - Please Mr. Postman0:00/ 0:00
В ЭФИРЕКачество1Аудио
The Marvelettes - Please Mr. PostmanThe Marvelettes - So Long BabyThe Contours - The StretchThe Contours - FunnyDebbie Dean - Itsy Bitsy Pity LoveDebbie Dean - But I'm AfraidRev. Columbus Mann - They Shall Be MineRev. Columbus Mann - Jesus LovesThe Equadors - Someone To Call My OwnThe Equadors - You're My DesirePete Hartfield - Love MePete Hartfield - Darling TonightThe Miracles - Everybody's Gotta Pay Some DuesThe Miracles - I Can't BelieveJoel Sebastian - Angel In BlueJoel Sebastian - Blue CinderellaMary Wells - Strange LoveMary Wells - Come To MeFreddie Gorman - The Day Will ComeFreddie Gorman - Just For YouPopcorn And The Mohawks - Have I The RightPopcorn And The Mohawks - Real Good Lovin'The Satintones - Zing Went The Strings Of My HeartThe Satintones - Faded Letter