LucasGitanoFamily - LucasGitanoFamily (Covers #1) 2020 Vol. 2
21. The Godfather Theme (flamenco guitar cover)
22. Concerto de Aranjuez (flamenco guitar cover)
23. Thunderstruck (spanish guitar cover)
24. Hello Zepp (from "Saw")
25. Arianne - Dragon Ball Z (Generique du Club Dorothee)
26. Nicky Larson (Generique du Club Dorothee) [reprise guitare]
27. Olive et Tom (Generique du Club Dorothee) [reprise guitare]
28. Great Saiyaman (from "Dragon Ball Z")
29. Gohan Whistle (from "Dragon Ball Z")
30. The Cure (flamenco guitar cover)
31. The Good the Bad and the Ugly (flamenco guitar cover)
32. Genki Dama Theme (from "Dragon Ball Z") [guitar cover]
33. Battle Theme (from "Final Fantasy 7") [spanish guitar cover]
34. Canyon Cosmo (from "Final Fantasy 7") Prologue Theme (from "DragonBall Z")
35. Prologue Theme (from "DragonBall Z")
36. Allegria (gypsy guitar cover)
37. Hearthstone Main Theme (from "Heroes of Warcraft") [flamenco guitar]
38. Cliffs of Dover (flamenco guitar cover)
39. Blue Bird (from "Naruto Shippuden Op 3")
40. Casa del Herrero (flamenco buleria)