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=== Black Opium - И. Чернявский (скрипка) и С. Калинин (орган): C. Прокофьев. Монтекки и Капулетти (балет Ромео и Джульетта)
=== From Russia with Love I Huma - Huma I melómanos
Music of Russia denotes music produced in Russia and/or by the Russians. Russia is a large and culturally diverse country, with many ethnic groups, each with their own locally developed music. Russian music also includes significant contributions from ethnic minorities, who populated the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and modern-day Russia.
Russian music went through a long history, beginning from ritual folk song and the sacred music of the Russian Orthodox Church. The 19th century saw the rise of highly acclaimed Russian classical music, and in 20th century major contributions by various composers such as Igor Stravinsky as well as Soviet composers, while the modern styles of Russian popular music developed, including Russian rock and Russian pop
Спасибо Валера и Вам, большое, за Прокофьева. Тоже первой мыслью было - вариация на его бессмертный шедевр. По духу похож, но мотив разнится. Если же Ютуб не врёт, то исполнителем (или автором) тогда получается - ХУМА ХУМА какой-то. Значит Сергей был прав.. Кто же такая эта ХУМА...
Спасибо Сергей. Но у FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE другая же мелодия