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Кто на завалинке


НЕ стало Ларисы Голубкиной
Умер Киркоров, Бедрос Филиппович.
Не стало композитора Софии Губайдулиной , "последней из могикан" (24.10.31. - 13.03.25)
Умер Олег Стриженов
Здравствуй, Завалинка... и снова нерадость....
Не стало Джона Сайкса - легендарного гитариста Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, Blue Murder.
page8-1024-full (1)
Умер Легендарный американский режиссер Дэвид Линч в возрасте 78 лет..

Именинники сегодня

Nikolay , Alexander100 , Nika , VEXILLUM , alina-luchina , vlad27 , machete , nyusha123 , i-like-sarapulov-and-ryabova , Knut , badinka , Nikmik44 , shaika227 , Vanja_uk , Barbed , sergey-lvovich , Budman , aleklementev , romdan , Lunohod-1 , Jose86 , 13457yfbhjuurefjhd , Valenta , VsegdaVash , OlgaYury

Eden Kane - House To Let0:00/ 0:00
В ЭФИРЕКачество1Аудио
Eden Kane - House To LetEden Kane - Kiss Me QuickEden Kane - Well I Ask YouEden Kane - Before I Lose My MindEden Kane - I'm Telling YouEden Kane - Music For StringsEden Kane - Forget Me NotEden Kane - My Little SueEden Kane - Get LostEden Kane - I Told YouEden Kane - A New Kind Of Lovin'Eden Kane - I Don't Know WhyThe Sarstedt Brothers - A Way Leading OutThe Sarstedt Brothers - KurseongThe Sarstedt Brothers - Mohommedan GirlThe Sarstedt Brothers - Here We Are In London TownThe Sarstedt Brothers - All Together NowThe Sarstedt Brothers - The Genuine RomanoffThe Sarstedt Brothers - You're Just An ImageThe Sarstedt Brothers - Searching For The TruthThe Sarstedt Brothers - Sea WallThe Sarstedt Brothers - Glory GloryThe Sarstedt Brothers - Catch The Next TrainThe Sarstedt Brothers - Worlds Apart TogetherClive Sarstedt - In A Dream (intro)Clive Sarstedt - God Save The QueenClive Sarstedt - It'll Always Be WinterClive Sarstedt - Looking For JesusClive Sarstedt - Take Me BackClive Sarstedt - Anything You Want Me To Be (Chantes Donnes Moi Tes Voeux)Clive Sarstedt - In A Dream (part 2)Clive Sarstedt - Mississippi GirlClive Sarstedt - Indian BoyClive Sarstedt - Good To MeClive Sarstedt - In A DreamClive Sarstedt - Finale (God Save The Queen - reprise)Peter Sarstedt - ValentinePeter Sarstedt - Castles In SpainPeter Sarstedt - Restless HeartPeter Sarstedt - Mulberry DawnPeter Sarstedt - Warm WomanPeter Sarstedt - Don't Go To IndiaPeter Sarstedt - I Lost My Heart Down The RoadPeter Sarstedt - AnnaPeter Sarstedt - We Were Never HappierPeter Sarstedt - Bird In A Gilded CagePeter Sarstedt - No One Breaks This HeartPeter Sarstedt - Empty PagesPeter Sarstedt - To Say Goodbye