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Кто на завалинке


Не стало композитора Софии Губайдулиной , "последней из могикан" (24.10.31. - 13.03.25)
Умер Олег Стриженов
Здравствуй, Завалинка... и снова нерадость....
Не стало Джона Сайкса - легендарного гитариста Thin Lizzy, Whitesnake, Blue Murder.
page8-1024-full (1)
Умер Легендарный американский режиссер Дэвид Линч в возрасте 78 лет..
Максиму Дунаевскому - 80!
Скончался Вадим Мищук.Ему было 68 лет.

Именинники сегодня

zvezdats , OlegMihaovmilov , yurij-galkin2013 , andreip , 89658404098 , cover , fat1962 , masert , briki333 , yustas5671 , Alex 1974 , Klassik , fawn1405 , Bakaleus , vcxvbvcxnn , AndA , Zindog91 , ewans , Serp1480 , k8888888888 , Marusya3242 , x4597832v , Vicktor

01. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - In the Mood0:00/ 0:00
В ЭФИРЕКачество1Аудио
01. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - In the Mood02. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Stardust03. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Song of the Volga Boatmen04. Glenn Miller; Ilse Weinberger; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Long Ago and Far Away (Lang Ist Es Her und Weit Zurck)05. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Is You Is or Is You Ain't My Baby?06. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Great Day07. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - American Patrol08. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Summertime09. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Tuxedo Junction10. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Begin the Beguine11. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Anvil Chorus12. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger - [Untitled]13. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Here We Go Ahain14. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger; Johnny Desmond - [Untitled]15. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - My Heart Tells Me (Mein Herz Sagt Mir)16. Glenn Miller & His Orchestra; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - A String of Pearls17. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Stormy Weather18. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger - [Untitled]19. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Poinciana01. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Stardust02. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - All I Do Is Dream of You03. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Farewell Blues04. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - I'v Got a Heart Filled with Love (For You Dear)05. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger - [Untitled]06. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Caribbean Clipper07. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes08. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Little Brown Jug09. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Where or When (Wo Oder Wann)10. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Cow Cow Boogie11. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Holiday for Strings12. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger - [Untitled]13. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Tail End Charlie14. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Begin the Beguine15. Glenn Miller - [Untitled]16. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Everybody Loves My Baby17. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger - [Untitled]18. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Jeep Jockey Jump19. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - All the Things You Are20. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot21. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger - [Untitled]22. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Body and Soul23. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Beat Me Daddy, Eight to the Bar24. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Get Happy25. Glenn Miller; The American Band of the Allied Expeditionary Force - Moonlight Serenade26. Glenn Miller; Ilse Winberger - [Untitled]